Monday, August 31, 2009

Saint Tillie Bourbon

A concept for a top shelf Bourbon brand. Saint Tillie is inspired by the prohibition and the mafia. The specialty package includes a book about the history of the brand, drink recipies, mafia jargon, and instructions on how to play black jack. The package also includes poker chips, and playing cards.

A Tribute To My Favorite Illustrator


Record Cover: A tribute to illustrator Jim Flora. 3” x 4”. 2007

I designed this record cover as a tribute to Jim Flora. Inside the record cover is an essay I wrote about how his work inspired my own. If you are intrested in Jim Flora's work go to

Andy Warhol Invitation Concept

Andy Warhol Invitations : A concept to invi te LACMA (LA County Museum Of Art ) members to an Andy Warhol opening. The soup cans are mailed out with the ticket, and the invitation inside. 7” x 3.5”. 2005